Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leonid Meteor Shower - Meteoric Fail!

Wasn't in the know when it came to this leonid meteoric shower, but let me tell you, in Berkeley, not all it's cracked up to be. Way too much light pollution and where there was very little (Tilden Park), you were not allowed in past 10PM. At least Berkeley thought it was important enough to maybe open the park up for a few extra hours this one time.

So our night went like this:

11PM - phone call for work scheduled, but is delayed until 12AM
12:30AM - roommates get ready to go look at meteor shower, but I cannot go
1:30AM - call over, I go outside to check it out, but don't see anything
2:15AM - go to Jack In the Box for night time fuel, still a ton of people rolling through the drive thru
2:55AM - see meteor...great.

Anyway, I saw 1.5 meteors fly by. It was like a missile. But as soon as I saw it and as soon as it went away, so did my interest. A little too much hype for me. Next time I'll stay home and watch it on youtube.

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